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Archivi categoria: Italian -> English
On the Ship of Fools
“What does it suggest to us that the protests against the “green pass” are perhaps the most criminalized, mystified, distorted and mocked of the last decades? The fear that a widespread resistance to the machine-world (in which digital orders are … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Italian -> English, tecnosfera / technosphere
Contrassegnato covid-19, No Pass movement, Simone Weil, techno-capitalism, Theodore Kaczynski
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The Capital of a Different Economy
Translated with DeepL. Besides possible mistakes, images, links and format are missing. Please see the original in Italian. Author: RC Original page: https://comune-info.net/la-capitale-delleconomia-solidale/https://comune-info.net/la-capitale-delleconomia-solidale/ On Archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20210924101312/https://comune-info.net/la-capitale-delleconomia-solidale/ On May 19, 2018, in a beautiful conference at the Province of Bergamo in … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Commoning, Italian -> English
Contrassegnato Bergamo, Commoning, Comune-info, Italy, Jason Nardi, solidarity economy
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